Hey guys! Thanks for stopping by my about section. My name's Amy and I'm a huge Potterhead.
I've kind of always wanted a place solely for Potterheads where we could have organized discussions about certain parts of the books and share what we think about everything including headcanons and lore. Now I know that there are a lot of places like that but I haven't found one like what I wanted to see so I decided to create one of my own.
I hope this can become a safe place for all of us that can welcome people from everywhere.
I also wanted to tell anyone visiting my page about a project I'm undergoing right now. I was inspired by the TikTok creator rookiebbastard to rewrite the Harry Potter series, basically an AU of what I wish had been included in the series. I do need help from all of you though. I'm talking suggestions about what to change, big and small, from people on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Dubsmash, Byte, and hopefully Youtube soon. I should have a post about this as well and if you'd like to put in a suggestion you can leave a comment on that post, email me, dm any of my accounts linked on my contact page and instagram bio, or leave comments on any of the posts about it on any of my videos under the hastag #harrypotterrewritten
I hope you stick around for awhile and feel safe here with others like you.
I hope you guys stay in touch with me and everything that's happening here, but if you don't have as much time to visit the website follow me on my other social medias which can be found at the bottom of the home page and on the contact page.
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